Address ⁚ Trierer Straße 74, Breidscheid - Adenau Reservation Line ⁚ +49 1514 0901521

Below is our quick-access list of useful links and interesting Nürburgring-related websites, painstakingly compiled over many years (not really):

Let’s begin with the most important one, the place where you buy the magic tickets.

Green Hell Driving

GHD has some webcams, but the most comprehensive collection is on RSR Nürburg’s website, should you like to check the weather at various parts of the track and surrounding area, or just get a fix for the Ring if you’re away for too long:

Nürburgring Webcams

Next up is Bridge To Gantry, a very cool website built and operated by well-known local resident, pro pilot, Ring Taxi driver and all-around nice guy, Dale Lomas.  In our opinion, the best source of news and gossip about everything Ring-related.

Bridge to Gantry

Finally, BlackFish Graphics is a local company that does much more than just graphics (check out our cool logos!).  They also do loads of car-related stuff, like stickers, wraps, and car care.  Check them out!

Blackfish Graphics


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